Episcopal Logo
Register of Church Services


Episcopal Logo
Register of Church Services


Welcome to Register Services

Welcome to The Episcopal Church Register App! This online system that can be accessed from any device is fully integrated into the Parochial Report filing system. That means that if you use it to track your service attendance each week, when you get to the end of the year all the information on how many services you held and what your attendance was will already be in the filing system! Thanks to the gifts and brilliance of Worship Times and our IT department, this app should make things much easier for you. Additionally, the app will track your information and display it in graphs all year long, so you can have a visual picture of worship life in your context.

The app also includes the fields to track online worship participation that will be required for the 2024 Parochial Report.

Please watch the demo video to see how to register for an account and how the app works. If you have any questions as you start using the app, please email reports@episcopalchurch.org.

Data tracking made easy:

Access from any web device

Track attendance

Easily track for your 2024 Parochial Report

See real-time data in user-friendly graphs

Questions about using the app?  

Email reports@episcopalchurch.org

Register App Walk-through Video: